全球旅遊最快成長地 台灣第十

最新更新時間:2014/02/07 09:07:00
「每日電訊報」(Daily Telegraph)報導台灣的旅遊特色,包括台北故宮博物院、陽明山國家公園的雲山和竹林、亞洲最佳美食,及精緻的佛、道教寺廟。
The fastest growing travel destinations of 2013
The United Nations World Tourism Organisation has revealed last year's fastest-growing tourist destinations.
10. Taiwan (+9.7% since 2012)
Highlights: the National Palace Museum in Taipei; the misty mountains, bamboo forests of the Yangmingshan national park; some of Asia's best food; elaborate Buddhist and Taoist temples.
Picture: AP
Taiwan saw a 9.7% increase of tourists last year. That's the tenth highest ranking in the world according to a report from the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). Japan topped the list with a 24% increase in tourists.
The top ten countries on the list were Japan, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Greece, the Philippines, Vietnam, Turkey, Russia, United Arab Emirates and Taiwan.
The Daily Telegraph said tourists to Taiwan can enjoy the National Palace Museum, beautiful bamboo forests in Yangmingshan National Park, the best food in Asia and elegant temples.